Saturday, December 13, 2014

Weight Loss Slimming Center

These days, losing and gaining weight has become the mantra of most people in order to get perfect body. Both over weighted and under weighted people have to face many kinds of health-associated problems. Therefore, all those people who are under weighted should put on some weight. In order to gain weight, it is necessary to eat more than normal. It is necessary that your food should contain healthy things so that, you can gain healthy weight. In simple words, you should follow a healthy diet. Diet clinic is providing healthy diet plans to its clients for many years, thus; you can also get a healthy diet for you to put on some weight easily.
Weight Loss Diet Tips

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Top Ten Wegith Loss Diet Clinic

The diet prescription given by Dietitian Sheela Seherawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd designates the type, amount and frequency of feeding based on an individual’s disease process and disease management goals. The disease may require a calorie level or other restriction to be implemented. Another aspect which the dietetic prescription takes into account includes the economic status, food habits, food intolerances, allergy, occupation and meal timings. As a clinical dietitian accurate prescription and sensitivity is essential to translate nutrition knowledge into a language appropriate for the individual client’s need. Adequate knowledge, skills and proper attitudes are required to achieve or maintain optimal nutrition status. Dietitian Sheela Sherawat is educated and trained to interpret the science of nutrition to enhance the quality of life of individuals and groups in health and disease. Each diet prescribed for an individual has its own rationale and purpose.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weight Loss Diet Clinic

Diet clinic has years of experience with weight loss. We have a well-trained and qualified staff that always works for the benefit of our clients. We provide tailored diet plans as according to the specific requirements of a particular person. Moreover, our diet plans are easier to follow as well. We provide all our diet plans after a deep consultation over the health problems of our clients, as; we not only aim to lose weight but also to maintain their health. Today we have thousands of happy clients, who have achieved the weight, they want, and living a healthy life with a slim and fit body.

Weight Loss Tips

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Healthy foods to include into your diet

Today we all are racing to achieve success, earn lots of money and fame. We are ignoring ourselves continuously. We often ignore some of the extremely important things in our life, and health is one of those important things. Due to rush of work, we not pay attention over what we are eating and how it will affect our body. In lack of healthy diet, it is impossible to keep the body healthy. Therefore, in order to live a healthy life it is important to choose right and healthy food items. In this article, you can know about some healthy food items that you can include into your daily diet.
Apples – Apples are very nutritious; the compound pectin found in apples is helpful in prevention from too much absorption of fat. Pectin is also appetite suppressant and keeps you full for several hours.  
Broccoli – It is very rich in vitamins, fiber and calcium. It is also very effective in the absorption of iron in the body. It is also helpful in reducing cholesterol, diabetes and excess weight.
Beans – Beans are rich in fiber that is helpful in satiating hunger and lessening the amount of fat in the body. These are also rich in many other minerals like manganese, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, protein and complex carbohydrates.
Citrus fruits – The citrus fruits including lemons, oranges, limes and grapefruit are rich in antioxidant. These are also anti cancer agents. These fruits keep the body hydrated. Moreover, citrus fruits also known for their anti-inflammatory properties.
Dark chocolate – Dark chocolate considered as much healthier as comparing to its counterpart as it contains lesser sugar. It contains flavanols that protects the body from heart disease. Dark chocolate is also helpful in reducing bad cholesterol and improving blood circulation.
Oatmeal – It is a great energy booster and helps in keeping metabolism rate high. It helps in keeping blood sugar level in control and prevents from diabetes. It reduces the risk of heart disease.
Nuts and seeds – These are rich in fiber, proteins, fiber, vitamin E and right type of fats. These are also helpful in controlling the bad cholesterol in the blood and help in fighting from heart diseases.
Soy products – Soy products are rich proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber. These are also a famous alternative for the dairy products.
Spices and herbs – Spices and herbs like peppers, peppers, and cinnamon are very helpful in keeping your metabolism high. They are also helpful in weight loss and alternate consumption is helpful in keeping your heart healthy.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

What to eat to stay fit and healthy

Once when you learn how to avoid the temptation of junk foods it becomes easy to eat healthy and stay healthy. A healthy eating plan differs from person to person according to their age, gender and their desire to lose weight. By reading this article, you will know that how you can eat healthy to maintain healthy body weight.

Count calories – First, you have to count how many calories you need to reach to a healthy body. If you have an overweight body than you have to burn off more calories than you eat until you reach to your desired weight loss goal. 

Add fruits and vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are rich source of many minerals, fibers, vitamins, antioxidants and many other necessary nutrients. They all help your body to stay fit and fight off sickness as well as prevent chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease. Ideally, you should consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to stay fit.

Whole grains – Adding whole grains into your diet is an excellent option. It is because; they are excellent source of nutrition. They contain fiber in high content, which makes you feel full longer and helps in reducing hunger pangs. You should eat at least 5-6 servings daily to maintain ideal body weight. 

Dairy products – For good health of bones every adult requires at least two servings of dairy products in a day. This could be milk, yogurt or cheese. 

Protein rich products – Generally, adults require at least 2 -3 ounce services of protein on daily basis. But, the protein choices should be right. People should select white meats like fish, chicken, turkey as protein sources. At the same time, nuts are also very good source of protein. People aiming to lose weight should consume red meat in moderation, as they are rich in protein but come with many kinds of saturated fats.

Beverages – In order to stay properly hydrated it is necessary to drink at least eight glass of water. In other words, water should be a major part of your daily diet. Avoiding all those caffeinated and soda drinks available in the market. It is also necessary to limit alcoholic beverages and to increase water intake. 

Along with right kind of diet, it is also necessary to do some exercises on daily basis. You should try to increase your physical activities, you should walk as much as possible as walking is the best exercise.

6 Things to have to lose weight

Numerous people are facing a number of problems in their life if you also one of them then stop worrying about your excess weight, just start eating right. Here are six tips that you can consider to lose your weight.

Have a healthy breakfast – The fundamental rule to any kind of weight loss program is having a healthy breakfast without skipping it for a single day. Oatmeal is ideal to have in breakfast, as it is a source of complex carbohydrates. It satisfies you and keeps you full longer. Oats also very helpful in keeping blood pressure and level of insulin stable. You can have this with skimmed milk or yogurt as per your choice.

Select skimmed milk – Milk as well as its products are rich in calcium and keep your bones strong. The skimmed milk, yogurt and low fat cheese helps to break down fat cells and results in weight loss.
Have protein and fiber rich foods – All those food that are rich in fiber and protein are very helpful in achieving the weight loss goal. Since, they keep you full for longer time and help in controlling you from over eating. At the same time, protein has a very rich satiety index, which makes protein an important part of diet.

Comprise the grain – Almost all grains have complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates takes time in digest and release glucose very slowly. They can also help in maintaining blood sugar levels and the fiber and vitamins found in them, also play an important role in good health.

Snack on nuts during the day – Nuts are good source of essential roughage, fat, protein, micronutrient and minerals. You should avoid fried and salted nuts. You should always opt for raw nuts. A handful nuts can keep your hunger at bay as well as provide energy. 

Drink water – Drinking water throughout the day is very important. Since, it keeps us hydrated. Every person should consume at least 8 – 10 glasses of water throughout the day. People who are habitual to drink alcohol should stop it today, if they genuinely want to lose their weight and want to live a healthy life.
No doubt, eating right is the key for good healthy and ideal body weight. But, regular exercise is also equally imperative. Every that person who want to keep his or her weight under control should follow a regular exercise regime along with healthy eating. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tips for Reducing High Cholesterol

Heart diseases have become very common among people in all over the world. Almost every second person is facing heart related disease. In order to avoid heart related problems it is very important to follow a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. Increased cholesterol is the main reason behind the increased risk of having heart disease. Here are some tips that can help in maintaining healthy heart by lowering down the cholesterol. 

Ditch sedentary lifestyle – In order to maintain health of your heart it is necessary to ditch the sedentary lifestyle. Living a physically active life helps in keeping your cholesterol levels in check. Daily exercise also helps in losing excess weight that is similarly important to ensure good health. 

Have red wine moderately – Red wine contains red grapes, which is good source of resveratrol. This chemical compound helps in ensuring a healthy heart. Therefore, make sure; drink red wine in moderation to keep your heart safe. 

Have meat occasionally – Generally, red meat and poultry products are rich in saturated fats therefore, it is necessary to have them occasionally. You should try to increase intake of veggies and fruits. Whenever you are going to have meat try to always have lean cut meat.
Stop smoking - Quitting smoking is a priceless gift for you by yourself. It is because; smoking causes increase of bad cholesterol and lowering downs the level of good cholesterol, which leads to higher risk of heart problems. Many studies also suggest that quitting smoking is also helpful in increasing level of good cholesterol. 

Do not have high cholesterol foods – Some foods like cheeseburger, processed meat, egg yolk and French fries contains bad cholesterol, which is harmful for heart. Therefore, always try to avoid foods with high cholesterol. 

Try to cook healthy – Your cooking methods should be healthy and the way of coking should also be healthy. You should not cook your food in unhealthy oils as well as the cooking techniques such as baking, steaming, grilling, and broiling. It is because; these methods are helpful in bringing down the cholesterol level, which is very important to keep your heart healthy. 

Decrease your salt intake – One should always avoid eating excess salt. Although, salt does not have any kind of direct impact over cholesterol level but still salt should be in adequate quantity in your daily diet. In order to maintain healthy heart always add salt sensibly in your eatables.
These are some tips that can help in maintaining healthy cholesterol level, which is an essential thing to maintain good health of heart. At the same time, always try to live a stress free life with regular exercises.

"A detox is not a punishment for what you ate; it's a celebration of nourishing your body for what lies ahead." – Dietician Sheela Seharawat

Detox diets have been a buzzword in the health and wellness world for years, promising a reset for your body and mind. But what keeps them s...