Thursday, October 11, 2018

Good & Worst Fruits For Diabetics

When your pancreas stops secreting insulin and becomes cell-resistant to insulin, then you suffering from this chronic disease of Diabetes. Also, if the blood sugar is not able to reach the cells, you may suffer from serious complications. Treating it with varied fruits is not so easy, so If you want to know about the ones which really work in favour of you, then consider the below given. 

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

What Fruits Are Good for Diabetics?

A fruit full of rich antioxidants, it prevents you from getting affected by chronic diseases.

Berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, so it tackles well with the problem of diabetes.
Tart cherries

Fighting with inflammation, the tart cherries are taken as once cup to wipe away heart disease and cancer with its antioxidants property.
Apple is the richest source of fibre and vitamin C and thus helps to reduce the type 2 diabetes.
With its ability to uproot slow glucose, this citrus fruit inhibits the glucose metabolism slowly through the intestines and liver.
A daily requirement of Vitamin A is best granted by 4 grams of apricot.
Those who suffer from irregular sugar levels and diabetes, papaya can help you by its antioxidants feature ailing the problem.
Keeping the blood uric acid level aside, this potassium-rich fruit will drag down your diabetes to an extent.
Vitamin K is fully found in pears which is good to control diabetes.
Worst fruits for diabetics
Banana is the best friend of diabetes due to its high starch and sugar content so better avoiding it fully.
Lychees may be refreshing but not good for the diabetic patient due to the richness in sugar.
Better avoid the sweetest fruit ever!
To get the best advice on the fruit diets, consult the professional Dietician Sheela Seharawat now! || ||
Call Toll Free No: 8010888222

Saturday, October 6, 2018

4 Things to Know About Testing Your pH Levels

Dietician Sheela Sehrawat

When it comes to the matter of overall health, the blood pH level stands first in the row. It is said so because the cells do not function in a proper way when the pH level of blood is acidic in nature. Due to the decrease in the pH of the body fluids (such as blood, saliva, and urine), acidosis takes place. Many diseases may take place due to an acidic pH in the body. 

Simple saliva and urine test

If you wish to undertake the test of pH levels, you need to opt for a simple test of saliva and urine. It is better if you test your saliva when an empty stomach or can test after an hour of meals. 

Average pH values

The pH levels of urine and saliva should be between an average of 6.8 and 7.4.

How to conduct a saliva test?

You need to buy pH paper from your nearby pharmacy and spit into a bowl to check your saliva accordingly. Now, the strip has to be dipped in it and right after a minute, check the colour change.

How to interpret the reading?

If you get a reading of pH levels between 4.5 and 6.0, then it leads to acidosis which tends to increase medical conditions in your body. Wherein, the pH from 6.0 to 6.8 has a less hand in promoting conditions of the diseases. And lastly, if you get them between 7.0 and 7.5, then you are going towards a healthy life. The reason for the medical condition of Acidosis is due to the loss of alkaline reserves in the body.

In order to get rid of Acidosis through exclusive diet plans, you need to contact Dietician Sheela Seharawat right away.

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Friday, October 5, 2018

5 Simple Tips To Reduce Flatulence

Whether being alone or sitting among the crowd, farting or flatulence can cause embarrassment. This affects the life of a person in many terms such as personal, social and work life. Farting may happen due to gas formation, intolerance to lactose, smoking and so forth.

But if you eat right, you will live right. Dietician Sheela Seharawat customizes exclusive diet plans suiting to the needs of the clients. She knows her clients and their body closely and implements the process accordingly. Her expertise has helped many clients till date and still working on it. Get a privilege to meet the top Dietician Sheela Seharawat personally at Diet Clinic. Her diet plans are both tasty and healthy. You may see amazing results if instructions get followed as directed.

Dietician Sheela Sehrawat  at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

5 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Flatulence

To refrain yourself from farting or flatulence, here are some of the ways given below:

1-Do not use any food products like milk, beans, and cabbage. Also, do not eat or drink anything which does not suit you.

2-Whenever you make food, always remember to add anti-gas foods such as ginger, garlic and fennel seeds to your food preparations.

3- Add yogurt, buttermilk and probiotic drinks and foods to your diet. These foods will help in the improvement of the status of gut flora.

4- If you wish to avoid the farting embarrassment, then never step out of your house empty stomach. Always try to have a small frequent meal at short interval gaps.

5- Refrain yourself from carbonated beverages and chewing gum. They make you take more air resulting in farting or flatulence. 

A simple follow-up of these mentioned steps can help in reducing the discomfort. You will be able to easily avoid this health disorder and can move freely in the crowd.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

What Is Acidosis?

When the level of acid in the body gets increased, this condition is known to be as Acidosis. In this condition, one may experience the pH values of saliva going down to 6.0 and below. A litmus paper can be put into use for testing the same. 
Testing for Acidosis
In the morning time after waking up, give a check on your saliva. Spit into a bowl, take a PH strip and dip it. After a minute, observe the colour of the paper. If it is ranging from 7.0 to 7.3, you are healthy and if it is between 4.5 to 6.0, then you are suffering from acidosis, which may further lead to causing diseases. 
Apart from the litmus paper test, there are certain symptoms which show you are suffering from acidosis. Here is the list of symptoms:
•    Body ache
•    Headache
•    Strong acid perspiration
•    Foul smelling stools
•    Hard stools
•    Diarrhoea
•    Sunken eyes
•    Water retention
•    Insomnia
There are a few conditions that indicate that it is high time to make changes in the diet plan. Get a suitable diet plan here at Diet Clinic, customised exclusively by the top Dietician Sheela Seharawat. Get changes in your diet plan if:
•    Your teeth are getting sensitive towards sour food
•    You get small bumps on the roof of your mouth
•    You are experiencing bad breath
•    You are having trouble in swallowing
Get the help expert advice now!
Visit Diet Clinic and meet the top Dietician Sheela Seharawat who will prepare the best diet plan for you. She will help you understand your body better. Not just a diet plan, you will also get some golden tips from her that are not found anywhere. Her professionalism and friendly-behaviour will make you visit this place over and over again. 
Hit Diet Clinic today!

"A detox is not a punishment for what you ate; it's a celebration of nourishing your body for what lies ahead." – Dietician Sheela Seharawat

Detox diets have been a buzzword in the health and wellness world for years, promising a reset for your body and mind. But what keeps them s...