Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tips to shop in the Grocery Store helping you in Maintain Weight

The grocery store is the place where most Americans spend at least 5 hours a week of shopping. It is a fact that if you are going to buy two things in the grocery store you will come out with a cart full of snacks that you don’t need exactly. If you are searching for the shopping hacks that will help you on how to shop at grocery stores, then here are some tips shared by Dietitian Sheelaseherawat:

  •   Do not put any item into your cart without reading the label because you should know that the item you choose has how much sugar, fats, chemicals, calories, etc. This will help you to stay fit for a long time.
  •  Do not distract from the free samples. If your free sample seems small and there is no nutrition information, then this could be adding hundreds of calories in your diet.
  • Make a grocery list before going to the supermarket because if you have a list you don’t take much time to select the items. Bring cash if possible instead of cards.
  • Don’t cross the centre aisle because it is full of chips, cookies, crackers, cakes, and soda. Shopping around the shelves which are full of fresh veggies, fruits, and healthy kinds of stuff can help you to choose items wisely.
  •  Don’t let your kids choose the food items because most of the kids are attracted by the unhealthy snacks, which is not good for their health and also for your wallet. To avoid this situation, make a list together at home.
  •  Do not fall for the attractive deals or offers at the store because these are the marketing strategies to attract customers.

To get to know what you should buy according to your diet, download the app “DietClinic” and consult the best dieticians. They will tell you healthier recipes and ingredients. Visit www.dietclinic.us, here you can get the special offers on the weight-maintain programs.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Morning Diet

Eating breakfast is considered to be a healthy habit and particularly for people who are health and weight conscious. It has been observed universally that people who have their breakfast regularly are leaner and are more successful in losing weight and gain it. So the next time you skip your morning meal, be careful as skipping it means you will tend to overeat later during the day.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic

Dietician Sheela Seharawat recommends that one should have breakfast that has a combination of good carbohydrates, fibers, and some proteins and luckily there are plenty of options available that can make our breakfast meals tastier along being hearty and healthy. Foods like oatmeal, eggs, bananas, watermelon, grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries, etc. are ideal breakfast choices to make.

Ask More health query to Dietician Sheela Seharawat.

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Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Healthy Diet protects you in Polluted Environment

The air pollution level in the big cities in the US is at the peak, making it difficult to breathe freely there. We all know that we need clean air to be alive, but due to increasing traffic, industries, etc., and air is getting polluted. The poison dissolving in the air is fatal for heart and asthma patients as well as children and the elderly. Even a healthy person will not be able to survive in this environment for a long time and he will also have some disease. Air pollution affects the lungs, blood, brain, immune system and reproductive system. There are some foods that contain nutrients and antioxidants that help us to fight from pollution. In this article, Dietitian Sheelaseharawat is telling you about such a healthy diet which will help you to serve in a polluted environment:

Green Vegetables: Green vegetables should include coriander, amaranth greens, cabbage, fenugreek, mustard greens, radish leaves, spinach, turnip greens, sprouted lentils, and broccoli. Green vegetables contain many nutrients such as beta carotene along with iron. Eating green vegetables regularly will help you to survive in a polluted environment. Drink basil, liquorice, ginger, mint and lemon tea every day. Apart from this, eat tomatoes in salad.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Consuming a diet that contains omega-3 fatty acids will help you to preserve the contaminated air and protect you from the harmful effects of pollution. For omega-3 fatty acids, you can eat nuts, walnuts and chia seeds, etc with yogurt. This acid is also found in fenugreek, mustard, black beans and millet.
Vitamin C rich diet: Vitamin-C is a powerful antioxidant that dissolves in our body and cleanses the body. Instead of taking vitamin C supplements, a person should consume a diet full of it. Foods that contain citric acid are rich in vitamin C like orange, seasonal, lemon. Gooseberry and guava are also found in plenty of vitamin C. Mixing 2 lemons in water every day is the best way to get vitamin C.
Vitamin-E: Vitamin-E intake is very beneficial to prevent damage to your tissues. It is found in plenty in peanuts, almonds and olive oil. Flaxseed, sunflower, nuts, salmon fish, avocado, broccoli, and figs should also be consumed. Eating foods rich in vitamin E will help you a lot in a bad environment.
Things to remember:
In cities where factories and traffic are high, the air is usually polluted and if this is not taken care of in the future, the situation may get worse. In such a situation, if you want to live in an area like California, then you should start using masks along with catering. Plant as many plants as possible around you. Use public transport and do not let any type of nutrient deficiency remain inside your body as much as possible. Eat healthy foods and avoid outside foods that are sold in the open on the street etc.

To know more about the healthy foods, you can download the app “Diet Clinic” or visit the website www.dietclinic.us for weight loss programs and plans.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How much and when should have green tea for Weight Loss

Green tea is made from Camellia Sinensis leaves and buds and comes in several varieties. It is loaded with many nutrients and plant compound which have many health benefits. Drinking green tea helps you in losing weight. In a study, it is proved that you can burn at least 75-100 calories per day and contribute to significant weight loss and speed up the fat-burning process over the long term. There are many other benefits of drinking green tea such as it supports the immune system, improved brain function, and dental health, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, decrease the risk of cancer, heart diseases, and diabetes.

Drinking 2 to 3 cups of green tea in a day seems to work well, but the optimal amount may vary from person to person. Dietitian Sheelaseherawat advises you to drink green tea in the morning (around 10-11 AM), in the evening or in between the meals. Drinking in the morning will boost your metabolism and in the evening when your metabolism tends down, it will boost up. To know more about the benefits and weight loss programs, you can visit the website www.dietclinic.us or download the app “Diet Clinic” and directly consult the best dieticians.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Healthy dinner habits for Weight Loss

Dinner is the last meal of the day, so it is important to make the right choices of the foods because you won’t eat for at least 10 hours or till morning. You need to know some mistakes done by many people that contribute to weight gain. So, to lose weight they skip their dinner that is not the solution to the problem. If you are trying to slim down, then every meal and every calorie counts.

Here are some tips for the healthy dinner habits for weight loss: 
  • Eat high protein salad.
  • Eat spinach, kale and other leafy greens because it is low in calories and carbohydrates but rich in fiber.
  • Eat lean protein like brown rice and quinoa in dinner, so that you are not craved for late-night snacks.
  • Drink water at least 30 minutes before you eat your dinner, so that you can eat less and feel full.
  • To balance the blood sugar, you need to eat the right amount of the amino acid. Eat nuts, soya, beans, seeds, and banana.
  • Try to avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine such as cola, coffee, tea, chocolates) with your dinner.
  • Avoid fatty foods late at night because they are harder to digest.
  • Do not eat late at night.
  • Go on a walk after dinner is a must because it helps in digestion and quick weightloss.

I would recommend you to consult Dietician Sheelaseharawat and her team. You can use online consultation services to contact them. For a better experience, download the application “Diet Clinic” and to know about the weight loss programs and plan, visit the website www.dietclinic.us

Monday, November 4, 2019

What Next after Weight Loss??

You have spent so much time, patience, determination, and energy to lose your weight. Finally, you have reached your goal. Now, what?? If you are thinking that you are done once you reached your goal and start living your life like as same you were doing before your weight loss, then I will tell you about one more and most important phase after weight loss. Well, it is what the diet industry likes to call the “maintenance phase”.

People think that it is hard but think about your weight loss journey from overweighed to fit. You did so much hard work and achieved your goal. Weight loss journey is never easy for anyone. If you can do that, then I don’t think so that you need any motivator who will motivate you to maintain your weight. Only one person you will need- a good dietician who will prescribe you healthy diet charts and help you to maintain your weight. I would recommend DietitianSheelaseharawat. She has vast experience in weight loss and weight management which cures people just with dieting and lifestyle changes. She also organizes weight maintenance programs.

Here I share some basic tips suggested by her to maintain your weight:
  •  Try eating your breakfast every day
  •  Eat lots of protein
  • Weigh yourself every week
  • Be careful of your Carb intake
  • Drink enough water
  • Get enough sleep
  • Stay away from processed and packaged foods
  • Stay away from fast foods, and junk foods
  • Track your food and calories intakes
  •  Eat lots of vegetables
  •  Include low-fat dairy in your diet
She also suggests diet plans like PCOD diet, Thyroid diet, High cholesterol diet, Blood pressure diet, Post and pre-pregnancy diet and more. If you have a busy schedule and do not have time to visit her clinic “Diet Clinic”, then they have an easy solution to this. They provide the “Diet Clinic” app to consult the dieticians or visit the website www.dietclinic.us. Now, you can maintain weight within the comfort of your home.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

High Blood Pressure: Causes, Symptoms, What to eat

High blood pressure is a condition when the force of the blood is flowing through the blood vessel is too high. Over time, increased blood pressure can cause health issues such as heart diseases. High blood pressure is common but early detection is important. It can be treated by both prescribed medication and lifestyle changes. The best way to know whether you have high blood pressure or not is to get a regular blood pressure reading.
There are two types of hypertension:
Primary Hypertension: Most people have primary hypertension in which blood pressure increases slowly. Genes, physical changes, and environmental changes are the factors of this type of hypertension.
Secondary Hypertension: This is serious because blood pressure increases quickly and becomes more severe. The conditions that cause secondary hypertension are kidney disease, obstructive sleep apnea, thyroid problems, adrenal gland problems, certain endocrine tumors, etc.
Other causes are smoking, stress, overweight, genetics, lack of physical activity, older age, use of alcohol, etc
  •  Headache
  •  Blurred vision
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness 
  •  Nausea and vomiting
  • Shortness of breath

What to eat:
You can control your blood pressure without any medication. All you need to start a healthy diet. For high blood pressure diet, I would recommend you to consult the best dietician. Here I share common dietary:
  •  Reduce the intake of sodium
  •  Eat less meat
  • Avoid sweets
  • Eat a nutritious and low-fat diet.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Use herbs, vinegar or lemon juice instead of salt
  • Eat fresh fruits and leafy green vegetables
  • Unsalted seeds and nut
  • Avoid fast food, fried food, canned soup, butter, fatty meat, etc
  • Don’t use table salt
  • Eat sodium-free, low-sodium or unsalted food

If you are suffering from high blood pressure and searching for the best dietician, then you can consult Dietitian Sheelaseharawat. She provides a high blood pressure diet plan. To get to know more about diet plans you can download the app “Diet Clinic” or visit the website www.dietclinic.us.

"A detox is not a punishment for what you ate; it's a celebration of nourishing your body for what lies ahead." – Dietician Sheela Seharawat

Detox diets have been a buzzword in the health and wellness world for years, promising a reset for your body and mind. But what keeps them s...