Saturday, September 28, 2019

Diabetes Diet Plan: Control Your Blood Sugar Naturally

Diabetes is the condition in which a person's blood glucose or blood sugar levels are too high. The main source of energy is blood glucose that comes from the food you eat. It is because when insulin production is inadequate or when the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin. The symptoms of diabetes are:

·         Polyuria- It is the condition when you are going for frequent urination.
·         Polydipsia- It is the condition when you become increasingly thirsty.
·        Polyphagia- It is the condition when you are hungry.

Types of Diabetes:

·         Type 1 Diabetes- It is a chronic condition when the body does not produce insulin. It usually develops in early adulthood or teenage years. There are approx. 10% of Type 1 diabetes cases.

·         Type 2 Diabetes: It is a condition when the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function. Over-weighted people are mostly affected by this type of diabetes. There are approx. 90% of Type 2 diabetes cases.
·         Gestational Diabetes: This type of diabetes mostly affects pregnant women when their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin.

·         Prediabetes: It is a condition in which sugar level is high but not at the level of Type 2 diabetes.
There is a way by which you can prevent or control your diabetes naturally. If you start taking healthydiets you can control diabetes. I would recommend to those who are suffering from diabetes can go and consult dietitianSheelaseharawat at her weight loss centerDiet Clinic”.

Here are some points shared by her from her diabetic diet charts:

·         Add fruits like berries, grapefruits, oranges, apples, bananas to your diet.

·         Add green leafy vegetables like spinach, collard greens, kale, cabbage, bok choy, broccoli to your diet.

·         Eat lean protein like fish, eggs, nuts and peanuts, boiled chickpeas, tofu.

·         Choose less added sugar foods.

·         Add low-fat dairy products like toned milk, yogurt, and cheese.

·         Use oil like canola and olive oil.

·         Drink plenty of water (approx. 4-5 liters of water in a day).

·         Avoid fried foods, high salted food sweets (candies, ice creams, and chocolates), beverages (juice, regular soda, and energy drinks), and alcohol.

All of the above points are very basic. Dietician Sheela Seharawat will help you in when and what to eat according to your type of diabetes. She will prepare a diabetes diet chart for a week that will help you to control your diabetes. It is of 30 or 90 days treatment in which you will see the results. You can also download the app “Diet Clinic” or visit the website

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Weight Loss: The best timings for your meals to lose weight effectively

The famous dietician Sheela Sherawat says, ‘Weight losing sometimes can be hard as many people only know about what to eat but they don’t know when to eat. All this time they’ve been so worried about exactly what we eat, what calories to take and diets, they intake as much fruit and veggies as they can, but they forget to worry about what is the best time to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner to lose weight’.
According to the weight loss program, when you eat is almost as important as what you eat. It’s clear that what foods you eat can affect your body. But when you eat can also affect. Yes, it’s true that the timing of your meals and snacks affect your weight.

It would be best to eat a meal or small snack every three to four hours to fuel your metabolism. Eating small meals frequently is always a good option. Do not take long intervals between your meals as it results in overeating when you have your meal. It helps prevent blood-sugar crashes and prevent indulge in eating. But be sure to keep an eye on the clock to make sure you are eating regularly. And gradually your stomach would be the ultimate guide for the timing.

For weight loss, every time you don’t take heavy food, take a healthy diet. Try to have nuts, fruits, smoothies in your snack and fatty fish, meat, yogurt, small amounts of carbs and eggs in your meal. Increasing your fruit and vegetable intake also speeds up your weight loss process.

Breakfast is the most significant part of your diet. Always consume a high-protein breakfast between 7 AM to 10 AM when trying for weight loss. This helps to reduce the risk of buildup of fat in the body and make you feel less hungry throughout the day. Eat less then you need, either by actually eating less or by doing more. Drink more water or add other potables into your diet.

If you want to know ‘how to weight loss’ you can visit and download “Diet Clinic” App for Online Consultation.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Balanced Diet For Vegetarians

The key to good health is to follow a complete and healthy diet, which provides all the nutrients and vitamins that are needed for the proper functioning of the body and organs. Having a vegetarian lifestyle does not have to be synonymous with nutrient deficiency. You just have to follow a series of keys, such as planning great vegetarian menus in a varied way and consuming the necessary vitamins.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

We give you a series of tips to eat well with a vegetarian diet.

Include all kinds of vegetables and fruits- In the variety lies health. There are many different types of vegetables and many products of non-animal origin that you can add to your vegetarian diet for weight loss. It has to vary as much as you can to benefit from all the nutrients.

Pay special attention to the consumption of calcium- Include green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or cabbage, and consume lots of fruit. The fruit provides potassium that counteracts the natural loss of calcium. Contrary to what is thought, dairy products and products of animal origin do not contain as much calcium as is believed. Also, its consumption causes the body to lose large amounts of this mineral. However, foods such as bananas, oranges, or peppers ensure the retention of calcium in the body.

Consume vitamin B12- One of the critical vitamins for humans is B12, which repairs DNA, fights heart disease, and protects against cognitive deterioration. Lack of vitamin 12 can cause problems of fatigue, anemia or depression, and continuous failure can cause damage to the nervous system and brain. Vitamin B12 is necessary to have correct energy levels, and since it is usually found only in foods of animal origin, those who follow the best vegetarian diet should take supplements in the form of vitamins. Consulting with a specialist about which is the best option for safe and adequate consumption.

Consume vitamin D-It is usually present in sausages or fish, but we can also find it in cereals, mushrooms, and dairy products. Vitamin D helps the body to produce calcium and fight against premature aging. Add these foods to your diet. It is also beneficial to sunbathe for 10 minutes for 3 or 4 days a week. Basic levels of vitamin D are necessary to avoid serious bone problems.

Increase protein intake- Not only does meat have proteins, which are so necessary for good health, but also other types of foods such as legumes. Try to include products such as lentils, beans, or chickpeas in every dish.

Do not forget the nuts-They are a great source of fatty acids and proteins. In the absence of meat intake, nuts are an excellent substitute and very good for low cholesterol. They are sources of energy and calories that, in their proper measure, are necessary for a healthy diet. They also improve heart health, help prevent cancer, and regulate weight.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Why Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

Men and Women are different creature. Not only physic of their body is different but also the morphology is different. Needs of appetite is different and so digestion and metabolism.
In the famous diet clinic healthcare pvt. ltd, the dietician explains that there are some reasons behind the men lose weight faster than women:
1. The metabolic rate, at which your body uses this energy, and burns calories. Men typically have a higher metabolic rate than women. So men can burn their calories easily than women.
2. Men, as their body composition, have more muscle than women.
3. Biologically, women carry more fat than men. Women tend to carry about six to 11 percent more body fat than men. So a woman with 25% body fat is as fit as a guy with 16%.
4. There is a structural difference between men and women. Typically women have more fat than men, and men usually have more lean muscle mass. 
5. Estrogen hormone works in both men and women, but women have to carry more fat because of sex hormones, naturally.

6. Women have more subcutaneous fat, which is around their thighs, rear and hips that is important for pregnancy. And It doesn’t mean unhealthy if they have more fat than men. It’s just the way growth made women with good reason.

The diet clinic provides nutritional consultancy at weight loss besides enhancing the health status of the individual.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019


The blood type of an individual determines the type of food habits that it should maintain in order to have the right body structure and get rid of any diseases. The foods for the body are a supplement in itself and that is the reason why they should have a greater amount of importance in the life of the individual. The life and performance of the individual are believed to be on the food that they eat. The protein content in the body should always be kept at the minimum as that is the reason why most of the diseases do occur in our body.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

It is strongly recommended that the individuals should not eat shellfish or fish having a higher amount of proteins and carbohydrates in them such as lobster, crab or shrimp. The intake of protein-related meat should be limited as much as possible such as beef, if the blood type is B.

There should be an intake of more amount of vegetables as this can provide a better amount of idea that the intake of green materials in the body of the individual gives us the maximum amount of exposure and that is the reason why the vegetables form an essential part of the whole process
To stay fit and healthy the individuals should also try to analyze and find out that we have greater idea of the fact that we should have the best outlet possible and at the same time they should have the correct supplement to back up the process.

We should always understand that if an individual is to stay healthy and if they have to work in the correct state of mind that the one thing that is very important is that they have and should have a healthy mind, body, and soul. This can have a greater impact on the working patterns of the individuals at large. The individuals should have an idea that they need to be self-motivated to a greater extent.

The basic idea of a healthy diet is that the individuals have a great work environment and at the same time and we would like to suggest that we have the next greater opportunity have a greater and healthy productive environment.

The productivity f the individual depends on the diet that he takes and this is how we should understand the ratio of balance. We as individuals should always look up to the matter and should have and release a better idea of the same, the base ides behind herbing is to create individuals that are self-worthy and good at work and ate more productive nature. By contacting Dietician Sheela Seharawat you would be able to find yourself on a much better and healthier the side without any problem.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019


We should always understand that our daily lifestyle is not always the truth of the hour. We always want to stay healthy and fit and that is the reason why we always tend to follow a pattern that gives us a very healthy and good lifestyle. In this scenario of the present world, we are always on the outlook that we have a great book and soul to work with. The work pressure environments are on a soar nowadays and this is the reason why the people are always on the back burners regarding their health-related manner. We as individuals have become so busy that we are not any more concerned about the food we take but are more concerned about the work and the results associated. So you need to make sure of opting for carb cutter diets.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

The health is something that needs to be taken care of the earliest. We most of the times are on fab foods which do leaves a lot many amounts of undigested fats in our body structure. There is always a need that we should understand that what all are the foods that can be helpful for our body and what all are the other foods that can bring destruction. These extras fats that we gather through the unnecessary food items create a lot of many health hazards in our body. So in order to shed that we have to go in a program of crab cutter diet. Dietician Sheela Seharawat has got an excellent period of time of experience that provides outstanding weight loss programs for your whole body.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health care Pvt Ltd

These diets help us to increase the metabolism of our body thus creating the required amount of immune system in our body structure. Under this diet program the individual has to go through a strict diet a program that will help them shed the extra calories thus making them more fit and adjustable to the environment at large.

This amount of diets can help the individual to get free from all amount of tensions and at the same time should be able to make them more happy as due to implementation of this diet program they will be able yo have a greater idea and a positive attitude towards life. Our diet should be such that it should be able to take care of all the basic requirements of the body and at the same time it should be able to bring up the comfort level of the body thus making it healthier and fit to fight with the outside changes.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

The diet programs should include the items that can bring in the refreshment to the body and at the same time can have a soothing effect like the carbohydrates and proteins should be regenerated and the process of good metabolism should be fastened in order to make the process lighter.

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Saturday, September 7, 2019


Today is the world of cut-throat competition and in this competition everyone present is in the mood and idea of proving their self. The individuals that are engaged in this arena are of the idea that they have to prove their own self and they have a greater idea of having a good new generations that are more productive is more competitive and at the same time will be more adaptable to changes. Nowadays people are more completive and they have really and actually a very little time left for their individual self. Their health gets affected in the times to come which are then adversely effective in their work style patter. So it has, therefore, become very important that we take care of ourselves in this busy work schedule and should make us healthy and at the same time should be able to give them the actual amount of health care necessary.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

There are certain measures to be taken so that we have a carefree life style and at the same time we should always have an idea that we as individuals are the creators of tomorrow and should always remain healthy and productive at work so that the world can progress. By contacting Dietician Sheela Seharawat you would be able to find yourself on a much better and healthier and balanced aspect without any problem.

The diet of an individual should include all the essential nutrients so that they will be able to provide with us the required energy and it should have a proper balance of all the nutrients required by the body. The diet should include vegetables and whole grains that will strengthen the immune system.

The main idea behind a healthy diet is to keep us fit. Therefore it is very important that we should include those items that are easily available to absorb and at the same time they should have a greater power to diagnose as well.

We as individuals should always like to give the idea that in this busy the scenario there is always a need to stay healthy and fit and so in that schedule also we should be able to organize the right amount of idea and protein contents in out diet quotient. The diet programs are something that can not only give an edge to the workplace scenario but can also add value to the life of an individual at large. The introduction of corporate diet programs will make the individuals fit and mentally able in order to resume their duties in a more effective manner.

Thus in this kind of busy lifestyle also it is always very necessary that we are in constant touch of protein foods which can give power and energy to our body and at the same should be able to bring in the best amount of optimum utilization of food content.

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Friday, September 6, 2019

Eat Right to Live Right: Get Guided By the Best in the Trade

With the craze of weight loss and fitness gaining much attention, there are also the terms – diet, nutrition, dietician, nutritionists, calories and alike also floating around. In all of these one aspect that controls everything, is the dietician.

A dietician is a specialized physician who has been educated in Health Sciences and certified to practice in the role. What makes one dietician different from the other, is the approach and technique that he or she applies to get results. A good dietician will always use natural and remedial means of using food for specific results.

In a way, you can say that a dietician is a medical professional who designs and formulate diet-based ways for a person’s need. Though many dieticians of today are engaged in their own accords, they are of high demands in several chores like hospitals, community health care facilities, private clinics, food establishments, and fitness and health clubs.

Diet Clinic Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

Diet Clinic Delhi gives you the services of the best dietician:
As a diet center, we at Diet Clinic have many responsibilities and tasks. We are responsible for your wellbeing and happiness. We believe that people approach us with trust and it is our responsibility that we pass your trust and provide you with our best in-store.

Our dietician has the responsibilities of:
1- Coordinating with people in all means to make a nutritious and suitable diet for them.
2- Formulating, programming, and designing meals and meal patterns for people with special dietary needs like the obese, anorexics and bulimics.
3- Determine the nutritional value of products sold in the market for our clients to check if the servings are healthful, and won't cause health problems for customers and patrons.
4- Observe and make changes to a person's diet plan if necessary.
5- Conduct research to create recommendations for everyone to get on a healthy diet and eat nutritious food.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

Why our dietician at Diet Clinic is the best dietician in Delhi? 
Apart from professional and technical expertise that a dietician needs to possess, there are certain personal qualities that make our dietician, the best dietician in Delhi. These qualities are:-

An effective communicator: we communicate both verbally and in writing in an effective way and it is a critical quality to possess better outcomes. Excellent communication skills enable our dietician to articulate the nutrition program of a client in a way that is easy to understand and follow.

Flexibility:  As a dietetic professional it is important to be flexible and play all the roles with the punches while keeping cool.

Compassion: This is one thing that is a must-have quality of the best dietician. It is this compassion that contributes to effective listening and problem-solving skills.

Highly Organized: A dietician can only possess problem-solving and analytical abilities, only when he or she is able to organize himself or herself in the best possible manner.

Have the ability to accept challenges: It is only when you have all the above traits, you are capable to handle any challenge to put together an effective nutrition program for clients even with the most challenging dietary restrictions.

As a diet center we have evolved with our rich experience and today we can proudly say that our dietician is the best dietician in Delhi. Acclaimed and renowned dietician Sheela Seharawat is today a known name in the diet and wellness circuit. Her compassion and belief have created a niche for herself and Diet Clinic in the national, as well as international arena. Well recognized and well placed, her belief in using the right foods for overall health and wellness has transformed the lives of many. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Choose the best clinic for guidance on liver diseases diets

If you are looking forward to the best liver diseases diets then you need to get the right consultation. This can definitely help you to find the maximum good result. 

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

If you are serious in finding the best diets for getting rid of your liver diseases, then you have to ensure taking good steps to get the right consultation done. It is only when you get in touch with the best experts that would help you to get the maximum benefits out of it. If you get in touch with Diet Clinic, it would definitely help in a good way to find yourself on a much better side. So you have to fix your appointment with the perfect and experienced dietician Sheela Seharawat where she would be able to guide you in the perfect manner. It is your own perfect choice that can definitely help in proving to be much useful for which you need to ensure of taking your best steps in the right manner to opt for liver diseases diets.

Get Ayurveda diets: At Diet Clinic, you can find the perfect Ayurveda diet that would help you to find yourself glad of your own choice. This would help you to enjoy the maximum benefits where you would find good and ultimate result for your health.

Look for a maintenance diet package: It is equally important for you to ensure looking forward to the maintenance diet package that can add to your satisfaction in the best manner. So, your own best selection can definitely lead to feel proud that would make you enjoy good health. 

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Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Things Parents should know about healthy eating for kids

One of the major issues that affect parents is the healthy eating for kids. It is important for kids to consume a diet that is rich in minerals and vitamins. It is important as it is needed for their best growth and development. So this is the reason why parents need to try their best to make their children understand about the importance of healthy eating in order to enjoy a good life without any sort of diseases at all. It is also very important to make sure of eliminating excess fat from the body so as to avoid obesity in the right way. It has been found that children who are overweight tend to have a lot of problem in their health. So important steps should be made to ensure that right amount of steps are taken to make your children get the right understanding of the importance of healthy eating in the perfect way. Unless you take your best steps it would prove to be very difficult in making your children know how to stay healthy and fit with the best foods.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd

Make them understand about protein: You have to make them understand the necessity of protein in the body to get the perfect idea about it. The children should be made understood about how proteins make it possible to bring good growth to the body virtually. They should also be provided with eggs and other animal products that contain the essential amino acids in the perfect way. It helps a lot in the development of the body making your child feel strong as well.

Provide them with the best calcium: It is also very important to ensure that you provide your children with calcium. This is important for the development of strong bones. For normal muscular activity, the body needs calcium and so good efforts should be made to make your child aware about it in the right way. For this, you need to make sure to provide your children with yogurt, mil, as well as cheese as these, contains a good amount of calcium making it possible to provide the extra strength to their body in the right way. Make sure that you get in touch with Dietician Sheela Seharawat that would help you to get the perfect diets according to your body.

Stick to a regular meal schedule: Efforts should also be made to ensure that you try to make your children stick to a regular meal schedule that would prove to be very important for you. If it happens that your child does not like to eat apples, you can try to provide a beautiful shape by cutting it in a different way that would make it look appealing to your kids. Thus it is very important to concentrate on the right healthy eating for kids that would make them get rid of any sort of illnesses at all.

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Best Helpful Snacks for Weight Loss

You must have come across many articles talking about snacking that hinder in weight loss, but here you will find weight loss snacks. Yes, you need to find out an alternative that will speak about the healthy indian snacks for weight loss. Snacks do not always come in the way when you are planning to lose weight. If you decide to do it, the right way, then snacking can actually help you lose the extra pounds. Here are some of the healthy snacks for weight loss.

So, let’s talk about the best snacks for weight loss.


Yes, it is filling and can also help you lose the bulge, as its low in calories with high fibre content. One of the low-calorie indian snacks for weight loss, it can help you lose weight in a jiffy as the calorie intake is pretty low.


One of the healthy snacks for weight loss, it is the favorite among all. When anyone asks for a weight loss evening snacks, then it’s always recommended to take chickpeas. High in nutrition, it will aid in weight loss and health in more ways than one.


Talk about healthy evening snacks for weight loss and one can never ignore popcorn. You can eat it anytime and you can eat it anywhere and the best thing is that it’s extremely low in calories.

Dark chocolate

Yes, you read it right. Here, the topic is about dark chocolates, but don’t have them unlimited. Dark chocolate can assist in weight loss and improve your mood and also it’s regarded as one of the healthy evening snacks. It’s high in calories, but also high in antioxidants and nutrient dense. So, if you wish to gorge in healthy snacks recipes for weight loss, then dark chocolate is highly recommended.


Lastly, Yoghurt with dry fruits can be a great mix and help in weight loss. Please opt for Greek Yoghurt as its high in protein content and would assist in further weight loss. One can also add yoghurt with fresh fruits and have it as a snack. Whatever may be your call, Greek yoghurt is the go-to food snack for weight loss and good health.

There might be plenty of other healthy snacks indian people would like, but the health doesn’t depend upon the calorie intake alone. The snacks for evening need to be nutrient dense as well.
Snack well and stay full!

Find the perfect information on family diets from the best clinic

Finding the perfect family diets can help a lot to get the best health. In this case, it is very important to get hold of the perfect clinic.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

Caring for your family is very important and more importantly, it is important to look forward to the perfect family diets. It is important to make sure that the right amount of efforts are taken to get hold of the right clinic for you. You have to look forward to the best clinic that would help you to get the maximum satisfaction out of it. It is therefore important to know how you can try to find the right advice that would prove to be the best one that would lead to spending a good and healthy life as well. If you are able to get the right information on your diet then it would bring a big smile of satisfaction out of it. So, you have to make sure that good attempts are made to find the right one that would not lead to any worry at all. By following the right diets it would help you to feel glad for being able to find the perfect one that would make you feel proud of your ultimate selection.

Search for the reputed one: Good attempts should be made to look forward to the reputed clinic for the diet that would help you to get the best idea as to how you should choose the perfect one to maintain a good and healthy life. You have to look at their portfolio that would help in a lot of ways to get the best one that would make you get the perfect health without any reasons to worry at all.

Clear your queries: You have to make sure that the right attempts are made to get in touch. This would be possible for you to get the perfect satisfaction where you can remain yourself satisfied for the ultimate choice. With the best diets for your family, it would help a lot in enjoying the perfect health. So, it is very important for you that would make you feel good about your choice that would help you to get a perfect satisfaction.

Check their testimonials: It is also equally important to finding out as to whether it has been able to get the best reviews or feedback from different clients. This would, in turn, make you feel glad by selecting the right one that would not lead to any worry at all. So, with the best family diets, it would prove to be very useful to you making you get the best health in the right way.

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Monday, September 2, 2019

What Vitamins are good for PCOS?

Vitamin supplements are essential for the cure of PCOS. Most of the women tend to have polycystic ovary disease syndrome or PCOS. This is a sort of hormonal deficiency and it comes from the look of the ovaries. When suffering from PCOS you develop innumerable small cysts in the ovary. This is when Dietician Sheela Seharawat suggests the intake of Inosotol or vitamin B 8. This helps in reducing insulin resistance and there is an improvement in people suffering from PCOS. You can even have an intake of Folic Acid when suffering from PCOS. This is vitamin B 9 and can give the best protection against neural tube deficiency.

Dietician Sheela Seharawat at Diet Clinic Health Care Pvt Ltd 

When visiting a Diet Clinic you come to know that Vitamin D acts in the process of lifestyle management. If you have vitamin D deficiency you are sure to be attacked by PCOS. This is the perfect supplement to help in the process of weight loss, and there are more benefits of having an intake of the same. Intake of Vitamin D saves you from heart diseases and diabetes. Vitamin D along with calcium can cause a decrease in insulin resistance and automatically the PCOS symptoms are lessened. Several clinical trials have been conducted to check with the positive effects of vitamins on individuals suffering from PCOS.

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Can eating papaya help manage diabetes effectively?

I can confirm that papaya can be a beneficial addition to a diabetes management plan when consumed in moderation. Papaya is low in calories...