Monday, March 24, 2014

Tips for Reducing High Cholesterol

Heart diseases have become very common among people in all over the world. Almost every second person is facing heart related disease. In order to avoid heart related problems it is very important to follow a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. Increased cholesterol is the main reason behind the increased risk of having heart disease. Here are some tips that can help in maintaining healthy heart by lowering down the cholesterol. 

Ditch sedentary lifestyle – In order to maintain health of your heart it is necessary to ditch the sedentary lifestyle. Living a physically active life helps in keeping your cholesterol levels in check. Daily exercise also helps in losing excess weight that is similarly important to ensure good health. 

Have red wine moderately – Red wine contains red grapes, which is good source of resveratrol. This chemical compound helps in ensuring a healthy heart. Therefore, make sure; drink red wine in moderation to keep your heart safe. 

Have meat occasionally – Generally, red meat and poultry products are rich in saturated fats therefore, it is necessary to have them occasionally. You should try to increase intake of veggies and fruits. Whenever you are going to have meat try to always have lean cut meat.
Stop smoking - Quitting smoking is a priceless gift for you by yourself. It is because; smoking causes increase of bad cholesterol and lowering downs the level of good cholesterol, which leads to higher risk of heart problems. Many studies also suggest that quitting smoking is also helpful in increasing level of good cholesterol. 

Do not have high cholesterol foods – Some foods like cheeseburger, processed meat, egg yolk and French fries contains bad cholesterol, which is harmful for heart. Therefore, always try to avoid foods with high cholesterol. 

Try to cook healthy – Your cooking methods should be healthy and the way of coking should also be healthy. You should not cook your food in unhealthy oils as well as the cooking techniques such as baking, steaming, grilling, and broiling. It is because; these methods are helpful in bringing down the cholesterol level, which is very important to keep your heart healthy. 

Decrease your salt intake – One should always avoid eating excess salt. Although, salt does not have any kind of direct impact over cholesterol level but still salt should be in adequate quantity in your daily diet. In order to maintain healthy heart always add salt sensibly in your eatables.
These are some tips that can help in maintaining healthy cholesterol level, which is an essential thing to maintain good health of heart. At the same time, always try to live a stress free life with regular exercises.

How to keep your heart healthy

In the present scenario, we all are living a hectic life. We have no time to pay attention over our diet and health. Due to this, we all are facing many kinds of health-associated problems. Heart diseases have also become very common in both kinds of genders especially after the age of 40. Heart is just like a machine, which continuously pump blood. Similar to other machines it also requires care and attention. Having a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle is the only that can help in maintaining good health of heart. With heart healthy diet, you can prevent from many kinds of heart diseases. 

Many experts also say that consumption of healthy foods with balanced nutrition can reduce the risk of having heart disease by 80%. Therefore, having proper understanding of how food affects heart is very important. In order to know what kind of foods are harmful for heart you just have to read on…
Harmful Fats – It is very necessary to avoid all those foods that contain harmful fats. Therefore, you should try to restrict intake of trans fats as well as saturated fats. You should try to avoid or substitute high fat foods like fried foods with baked foods. Always cook your foods in health oils like sunflower oil, olive oil, safflower oil. You need not to make major changes into your daily diet but some minor changes are must like having fresh fruits and vegetables instead of those fast foods or fried foods is the best way to keep your heart healthy. 

Low Cholesterol – In order to keep your heart healthy, it is necessary to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. And the best to avoid bad cholesterol is avoiding fried and packed foods. You should replace all those chips, cookies, and fries with proteins, and fibrous rich foods. by avoiding packed foods you can easily bring down the cholesterol levels. You should also add some nuts and fish oils that contain the sterol, which obstruct the absorption of cholesterol.

Processed Food – Eating processed food can put you on a high risk of having heart disease. Therefore, never consume those packed dinner, dairy products, and processed meats. You should replace all these with fresh fruits, salads, soups, and unsalted meats. At the same time, having excess quantity of salt increase your blood pressure and exposes you to the risk of having heart attack. Instead of salt, attempt to add spices and herbs to your food to make it more tasty and healthy. 
Along with paying attention over your diet, it is also necessary to exercise regularly. Cardiovascular exercises are very helpful in making your heart strong and in improving your blood circulation.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Diet tips for teenage girls

If, you hate the word diet as this word drew the images of boiled cabbages, strand of carrots then, you should know that the word diet does not means to starvation. It is just about that food you eat. The food you eat and the way of eating have direct impact on you. Therefore, it becomes very necessary to know and understand what you are eating and what your food is doing for you.

If, you are a teenage girl then it is very necessary to understand what you are eating and what impact does it have on your body. In this article, you can know about the basics of planning diet plan for teen ager girl and the way in which it become successful. First of all, you have to mind that nothing is prohibited every single natural food item is very necessary for our well-being and proper growth of body.   

Count calories – It is very important to understand how much calories you are consuming every day. If, you are not providing sufficient amount of calories to your body then it can lead to deficiencies as well as health risks. For this, you should consult with a health expert. 

Always mind that our digestive system can merely digest a particular amount of food. The portion should be small. You should try having 5-6 small meals instead of 3 major meals. This will help in feeling full without putting so much pressure over the digestive system. 

When to eat and what to eat
·         Wake up early in the morning and consume a glass of warm water. You can also consume this water even before brushing your teeth, as the bacteria in mouth is good for digestion.
·         Have a fresh fruit instead of tea or coffee, as this will kick start your metabolism.
·         Never skip your breakfast and always try to have a heavy breakfast containing dairy products, carbs and muesli.

·         After two hours of breakfast, take a small snack such as some raisins or a glass of milk.
·         Lunch should be lighter as comparing to the breakfast and comprise foods from all basic groups to get all nutrients.
·         Have a light dinner for example have grilled and steamed chicken or fish instead of frying them. Take your dinner at least two hours before your bedtime so that the food digested well. 

Note – Always try to avoid sugary foods, bakery products, refined and processed products. It is because; this kind of food can lead to increase of fat in the body, which can make you obese. Make daily exercise your habit.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What to have and avoid with blocked arteries

In blocked artery, the flow of blood severely hindered owing to the deposition of fats and cholesterol in their walls. It has become a common problem among people with a history of diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Due to the presence of blockage, the flow of blood restricted to the vital body organs like heart, brain and lungs. However, this condition generally happens with people their health problems and this could be happen due to excessive consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates, cholesterol as well as fat rich foods. So, if unfortunately you also have the problem of blocked arteries then it is very important to pay attention over your diet. It is because; our diet can make us or ruin us. Before deciding or going with any kind of diet it is very necessary to understand what kinds of foods are safe and what are unsafe. The foods that incorporated by you into your diet should be able in normalizing the blood circulation in the arteries.
Foods that should be a part of your diet

·         Whole-wheat products
·         Peanuts and flax seeds
·         Green vegetables
·         Chicken breast
·         Legumes like peas, beans
·         Tuna and salmon
·         Fibrous fruits
·         Dark chocolates
·         Green tea or any other herbal tree
·         Vegetable oils

These foods are rich in those kinds of nutrients  like proteins, complex carbohydrates, omega-3 fatty acids etc. that are very helpful in making the blood circulation in the arteries normal. You should always try to have fresh fruits and vegetables as much as possible. You should consume 4-5 small meals instead of 3 large servings. 
Weight Loss Tips
List of foods that should not be a part of your diet
·         White refined rice
·         Egg yolk
·         Confectioner sugar
·         Red meat
·         White flour products
·         Junks foods
·         Mustard oil
·         Aerated drinks
·         Dairy products
·         Potatoes
·         Meat with skin
Personal Diets

You should avoid the above foods, as these foods are rich in simple carbohydrates, LDL or bad cholesterol, saturated fatty acids which can play a major role behind the obstruction in the arteries.
Here, it is also very necessary to suggest that you should also consult with an expert dietician who can suggest you a diet plan as per your heath requirements. You can contact with diet clinic to have a diet plan as per your requirements with the aid of their expert dieticians.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Importance of boosting metabolism

Weight Loss Exercise
Metabolism, which is an important function of our body helps in burning excess calories. Metabolism is a process in which the food is converted into energy required by the body. Therefore, in order to have proper energy from the food we consumed enhancing the metabolism is necessary. There are lots of ways to boost metabolism and the best as well as easiest way is eating those foods that are helpful in enhancing the rate of metabolism. 

Generally, the metabolism boosting foods also known as negative calorie foods, these kinds of foods require more calories in order to digested as comparing to the actual amount of calories they have. This may seem unbelievable for you, but this is fact. The metabolism booster foods contain high content of fiber that makes it difficult for the body to digest them easily and quickly. Body has to utilize some extra calories in order to burn them. This ultimately results in burning of those extra calories that are converted to fats and making us obese. 

Therefore, what are the foods that help in boosting metabolism naturally?
Fiber rich foods – Having fiber in our daily diet helps us in maintain the healthy levels of insulin. It is very helpful for us, as high level of insulin in the body promote the storage of fat in the body and excess storage of fat leads to obesity. 

Calcium rich food – In many studies, it has proven that calcium is very helpful in burning calories and boosting metabolism. Milk, soy and broccoli are some example of calcium rich foods.

Protein rich foods – Our body requires more amount of energy to digest protein. Therefore, eating protein rich foods like chicken, lean beef is a good choice in order to boost metabolism. 
Weight Loss Tips

Omega- 3 fatty acids rich foods – Having foods with rich amount of Omega-3 fatty acids is a great way to boost metabolism. Fish like tuna and Salmon are rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. These kinds of foods help in enhancing the levels of leptin, which is a hormone that plays an important role in our metabolism. As higher, the level of leptin in the body as quicker will be the metabolism. 

Spices rich in capsaicin – Some kind of spices like Jalapeno have the chemical known as capsaicin. Such kinds of spices not only make the food tastier but also increase the heart rate. Moreover, studies have shown that spices can boost metabolism rate by 25% and burns calories for up to three hours after having meal. 

Therefore, you should also add some foods having above qualities and almonds, apples, berries, beans, cabbage, cinnamon, coffee, eggs, green salads, green tea, lemons, pears, natural yogurt, brown rice, pepper, salmons, spinach, turkey, whey protein and whole grains are some good examples of such foods. 

Weight Loss Diet

Here it is also necessary to know that having regular breakfast is also very necessary to have good metabolism. So just, follow a balanced diet along with proper lifestyle and exercises.

"A detox is not a punishment for what you ate; it's a celebration of nourishing your body for what lies ahead." – Dietician Sheela Seharawat

Detox diets have been a buzzword in the health and wellness world for years, promising a reset for your body and mind. But what keeps them s...